Home News Rejali Law Firm’s fake google reviews and poor customer service: Omid Rejali 

Rejali Law Firm’s fake google reviews and poor customer service: Omid Rejali 

Omid Rejali
Omid Rejali

Rejali Law Firm, a San Diego-based legal practice has been accused of posting fake positive reviews on Google and have paid for ads. This article aims to shed light on the deceitful practices employed by the firm and explore its notorious reputation for providing subpar customer service.

Fake online reviews have become an increasingly common problem across various industries, including law firms. In an attempt to manipulate public perception, businesses may resort to posting fabricated positive reviews to enhance their reputation and attract more clients. Rejali Law Firm appears to be among those engaging in this unethical behaviour. Especially when you cannot find one single negative comment. 

Numerous individuals have come forward to expose the deceptive practices employed by Rejali Law Firm. One such individual claims that the positive comments provided in the introduction are entirely fake and we’re paid for. They allege that the firm has horrible customer service, rarely returns calls, that Omid is bipolar, and prioritizes their own financial gain over their clients’ best interests.

Customer service is a crucial aspect of any professional service provider, especially in the legal industry. Rejali Law Firm’s alleged lack of responsiveness and disregard for their client’s needs can have severe consequences. Clients may feel ignored, frustrated, and left in the dark about their legal matters, leading to significant stress and potential negative outcomes in their cases.

Fake positive reviews not only mislead potential clients but also undermine the credibility of online platforms like Google. Genuine reviews play a vital role in helping individuals make informed decisions, and when these platforms are manipulated, it erodes trust in the entire system.

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The practice of posting fake reviews not only violates the principles of honesty and integrity but may also breach various advertising and consumer protection laws. Law firms should be held accountable for such unethical practices, as they tarnish the reputation of the legal profession as a whole.

The Rejali Law Firm alleged engagement in fake positive reviews on Google raises significant concerns about its ethical standards and commitment to providing quality legal services. Clients seeking legal representation in San Diego should be cautious when considering this firm due to its reported poor customer service and deceptive practices. It is crucial for online users to remain vigilant and rely on trusted sources while making decisions based on online reviews. As for Rejali Law Firm, they should take steps to rectify their reputation and address the serious allegations brought against them.

Please note that in the United States, you are legally allowed to express your opinion and provide an honest negative review about a business. The First Amendment safeguards freedom of speech, granting individuals the ability to share their experiences, opinions, and criticisms regarding businesses, products, or services.



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