Cats are natural climbers and often find their way up onto balconies and other high places. While they may be cute sitting perched atop a railing, having a cat on the railing can pose a safety hazard. There are simple techniques you can use to keep your cats off of your railing. One is to put up a fence around the railing. Another is to train your cat not to climb up there in the first place.
why do cats like to climb up onto balconies?
There isn’t a definitive answer to this question, but there are several reasons why cats like to climb up onto balconies. One theory is that it provides them with a vantage point from which they can watch their surroundings. Another possibility is that they find the high position convenient for surveying their territory. Additionally, some cats may enjoy the feeling of being in the air and looking down on their surroundings. Whatever the reason, it’s fun for them and most cats seem to enjoy it!
The Problem
Cats are naturally curious creatures and will always want to explore new surroundings. This can be a problem if your cat’s curiosity gets the better of them and they start climbing furniture or digging through trash cans. To prevent your cat from getting into trouble, make sure you have a consistent routine in place for feeding, playing, and sleeping. And always keep an eye on them to make sure they’re not sneaking around something they shouldn’t be.
The Solution
There’s no need to worry about your cat falling off your balcony. A simple technique can keep them safe. Follow these steps and your cat will be safe from falling:
- Secure the railing on both sides of the balcony with sturdy, nonslip brackets or ropes.
Position a sturdy, nonslip post in the centre of the railing, near the top.
Put a thick mat or cushion at the bottom of the post to provide extra stability for
your cat when they are climbing up or descending.
- Place a sturdy ladder near the post, so that your cat can easily get onto and off of
it without having to jump down or climb upstairs.
5. Test out the setup by putting your cat on top of the post and ensuring they are comfortable and safe before letting them go for a walk!
By using a dowel rod you can keep cats off your balcony railing

How to keep cats off your balcony railing: Keeping cats off of your balcony railing is simple with the use of a dowel rod. All you need is a dowel rod, some string, and a few pieces of cling film. First, place the dowel rod at the base of the railing where you want to keep the cat away from. Tie one end of the string to the rod and hold it in place. Then put some cling film over the string so that only the tips of the strings are showing. The cats will be curious about this new object and will try to investigate it. If they get too close, just grab them by their tail and pull them back from the railing.
There are a few things you can do to keep your cats off of your balcony railing: install a fence, use deterrents, keep them indoors during the day, and make sure they have plenty of toys and interactive spaces to play.