Definition Of Science:

Science is known as the procedure of discovering new facts and information systematically throughout different inspections and experiments. It focuses on principled process of assembling data. In science the goal is attained via equivalent scientific process. It is a permanent process of discovering facts and information. It is constantly helpful. If we will observe science all the time focuses on perceptive natural phenomenon. Inquiry in science consequences advances science information and discovery.

Examples Of Science:

There are some examples of branches of science included Biology, Physics, Geology, Human Behavior, Chemistry, Mathematics, etc.

Definition Of Technology:

Technology is also known as the procedure of applying methodical and scientific knowledge in practical applications for diverse reasons. It focuses on principled outcome of charming action. In technology the objective is attained through corresponding scientific process. It is a nonstop process of putting into practice knowledge. It can be helpful or maybe harmful. If we will observe technology all the time focuses on perceptive the manmade environment. Technological plan advances standard of surviving in societies by manufacturing human life more relaxed.

Examples Of Technology:

There are some examples of branches of Agriculture, Engineering, Biotechnology, Applied Physics, etc.

Science is a system of obtaining knowledge. This system uses inspection as well as experimentation to explain and make clear natural phenomenon. The term science is also referred to the prearranged body of information people have achieved by means of that system.

Fields of science are normally categorized along two main lines:

  • Natural sciences, which involved the study of natural phenomenon including biological life,
  • Social sciences, which involved the study of human behavior and societies

These groupings are observed sciences, which indicate the knowledge must be depend on visible phenomenon and competent of being experienced for its strength by other researchers functioning under the similar conditions.

Differences In Origin:

The word science is derived from the Latin word scientia which means that knowledge. From the middle age to the explanation, science or scientia destined any systematic recorded knowledge. Science therefore had the similar kind of very large meaning that attitude had at that time. In other languages, including French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian, the word corresponding to science also carries this meaning. Today, the primary meaning of science is normally incomplete to experiential study involving use of the scientific method.

Technology is a term with origins in the Greek technologia meaning skill and logia meaning saying. However, a strict definition is subtle technology can pass on to stuff objects of use to human race, such as equipment, hardware or apparatus, but can also include broader themes, including systems, methods of organization, and techniques. The term can either be applied by and huge or to specific areas: examples include building technology, medical technology or state of the art technology.

Is Technology Related To Science?

One source of confusion is the undoubted relationship that exists between science and technology and Sparks pointed out that even though science and technology have common characteristics in an area which might be referred to as applied science, there are a number of imperative differences between the two, even though these differences might not be obvious to an average member of the general public who, through neglect and through repeated use of the phrase science and technology has misplaced the dissimilarity between science and between technology. The two cannot be told apart, which is only just surprising given.


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